Richard Enfantino

The Art of​

Traveling the big cities and the back roads of America, the Near, and Far East, Europe, and the rest of the world, Richard & Nancy have been in the large casino's of Las Vegas, Monte Carlo, and Macau to the local Casino's in the Florida Everglades.  Richard puts brush to canvas to show you the fun side of gambling and Martinis. Dubbed the “Gambling Series.” Richard looks at the lighter side of playing craps, pulling the handle on a slot machine, and placing a bet on the spin of a roulette. While sipping a martini. He immortalizes these images onto canvas in cascades of bright colors. The inspiration for some of the pieces are drawn from Richard’s personal experiences, others from his imagination. There is something for everyone in the Gambling Series. Something that everyone can relate to, and smile. Join Richard as he takes you into the Casino's to see the whimsical side of the Gambling Series..

“Life is a gamble in Richard's world. He makes it fun” Richard Enfantino

Gambling Series