Richard Enfantino

The Art of​

Wine Originals

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In our world, Wine, Happy Hour and the local watering hole or sports bar are places where we humans go to socialize, talk about work and just unwind. In ”Richard’s World” the Parrots, Toucans, Turtles and Dolphins” have taken our seats and are complaining about a bad day on the branch or trying to woo that special lady at the end of the bar. In the Wine Series, Richard recreates his favorite subjects, the Parrots, Toucans, Turtles and Dolphins onto canvas in rich, vibrant colors and lifelike tones, but this time with an added twist. He adds  wine into the mix to give us a humorous look at Toucans sitting on a bar stool or turtles drinking a glass of wine. Let’s walk through the “Wine Series” with Richard as he shows us a “Champagne Parrot” or a dolphin with a “Key West Extra”. Its all fun and its all made to put a smile on your face. Richard shows us the lighter side of life where birds enjoy martinis and dolphins are downing cervesas.

“Don’t take life so seriously” Richard Enfantino

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